The narrow vision of the media has portrayed Islam as a bloodthirsty, trigger happy, militant ideology bent on killing every non-Muslim. The word "jihad" conjures up images of bearded men with fiery eyes marching down a street armed with guns and swords shouting" Allaahu-Akbar". Muslims are branded as terrorists, extremists and fundamentalists. Islam has become synonymous with the sword and every skirmish or uprising is hallowed as jihad. Both Muslims and non -Muslims remain appallingly ignorant of the true spirit and implications of jihad.
The word jihad is generally misconstrued as holy war. It is often confused with "qitaal" which means fighting. In Islamic terminology jihad means: striving in the path of Allah. It is the unceasing effort of an individual towards self-purification and the collective struggle of a community against all forms of corruption, injustice and tyranny. Thus, jihad can take one of the following forms:
Jihad bil-Sayf: War -fighting for the cause of Islam.
Jihad bil-Mal: Striving with one's wealth.
Jihad bil-Nafs: Striving against one's passions.
Jihad bil-Lisaan: Persuading people to adopt the right path and dissuading them from evil.
Fighting for the cause of Islam (qitaa1) is but one aspect of jihad.
It is a historical fact that from the early dawn of history until now, humanity has suffered from local, civil and global wars. Wars are a necessity of existence, a fact of life. Even today, humanity lives under the constant fear of war in many hot spots of the world. The realistic approach of Islam recognizes war as lawful and justifiable course for the restoration of justice, freedom and peace. War is not an objective in Islam, it is resorted to under extraordinary circumstances when all other measures fail. Islam is a religion of peace, the daily greeting of a Muslim is "peace", and the word "Muslim" means peace. Paradise is the abode of peace. However, when peace is undermined Islam permits jihad as the ultimate arbiter of men's disputes under three circumstances.
i) Jihad as a defensive strategy.
ii) Jihad as a punitive strategy.
iii) Jihad as a preventive strategy.
The narrow vision of the media has portrayed Islam as a bloodthirsty, trigger happy, militant ideology bent on killing every non-Muslim. The word "jihad" conjures up images of bearded men with fiery eyes marching down a street armed with guns and swords shouting" Allaahu-Akbar". Muslims are branded as terrorists, extremists and fundamentalists. Islam has become synonymous with the sword and every skirmish or uprising is hallowed as jihad. Both Muslims and non -Muslims remain appallingly ignorant of the true spirit and implications of jihad.
The word jihad is generally misconstrued as holy war. It is often confused with "qitaal" which means fighting. In Islamic terminology jihad means: striving in the path of Allah. It is the unceasing effort of an individual towards self-purification and the collective struggle of a community against all forms of corruption, injustice and tyranny. Thus, jihad can take one of the following forms:
Jihad bil-Sayf: War -fighting for the cause of Islam.
Jihad bil-Mal: Striving with one's wealth.
Jihad bil-Nafs: Striving against one's passions.
Jihad bil-Lisaan: Persuading people to adopt the right path and dissuading them from evil.
Fighting for the cause of Islam (qitaa1) is but one aspect of jihad.
It is a historical fact that from the early dawn of history until now, humanity has suffered from local, civil and global wars. Wars are a necessity of existence, a fact of life. Even today, humanity lives under the constant fear of war in many hot spots of the world. The realistic approach of Islam recognizes war as lawful and justifiable course for the restoration of justice, freedom and peace. War is not an objective in Islam, it is resorted to under extraordinary circumstances when all other measures fail. Islam is a religion of peace, the daily greeting of a Muslim is "peace", and the word "Muslim" means peace. Paradise is the abode of peace. However, when peace is undermined Islam permits jihad as the ultimate arbiter of men's disputes under three circumstances.
i) Jihad as a defensive strategy.
ii) Jihad as a punitive strategy.
iii) Jihad as a preventive strategy.
The Holy Quraan states; To those against whom war is made permission is given (to fight) because they are wronged. Verily, Allah is well able to assist them. Those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say, "Our Lord is Allah".
War is permitted as a defensive strategy when Muslims are persecuted or banished from their homes and flagrantly denied religious freedom. The justification is far greater when Muslims are not only fighting for their existence but for the very existence of their faith. Their crime is no other than to say, "Our Lord is Allah". The Holy Quraan states: "fight in the cause of Allah, those who fight you and be not aggressors ". The foregoing verse makes it clear that war can only be declared against those who fight you. The believer is not allowed to be the aggressor, since Allah loves not the aggressors. If the enemy is inclined to peace, Muslims should at once agree. The Holy Quraan states: "But if the enemies incline towards peace you also incline towards peace and trust in Allah! For He is the one that hears and knows (all things)".
The Holy Quraan states: and an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people (assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage, that Allah and His Messenger dissolve (treaty; obligations with the Pagans……………………… "
The Pagans and enemies of Islam frequently mad, treaties of mutual alliance with the Muslims. The Muslims scrupulously observed their pact but the Pagans violated this pact repeatedly. No nation can uphold a treaty if the other party violates it at will. After some years it became imperative to denounce such treaties. The aggressors were given a period of four months to desist from their treacherous designs or be prepared for war, The Holy Quraan states: Will you not fight people who violated their oaths, plotted to expel the Messenger and attacked you first? " Armed hostility under these circumstances is permitted against those who violate their treaties, connive with the enemy and use their accord as a smoke screen to create havoc and chaos in the community.
The Holy Quraan states; To those against whom war is made permission is given (to fight) because they are wronged. Verily, Allah is well able to assist them. Those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say, "Our Lord is Allah".
War is permitted as a defensive strategy when Muslims are persecuted or banished from their homes and flagrantly denied religious freedom. The justification is far greater when Muslims are not only fighting for their existence but for the very existence of their faith. Their crime is no other than to say, "Our Lord is Allah". The Holy Quraan states: "fight in the cause of Allah, those who fight you and be not aggressors ". The foregoing verse makes it clear that war can only be declared against those who fight you. The believer is not allowed to be the aggressor, since Allah loves not the aggressors. If the enemy is inclined to peace, Muslims should at once agree. The Holy Quraan states: "But if the enemies incline towards peace you also incline towards peace and trust in Allah! For He is the one that hears and knows (all things)".
The Holy Quraan states: and an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people (assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage, that Allah and His Messenger dissolve (treaty; obligations with the Pagans……………………… "
The Pagans and enemies of Islam frequently mad, treaties of mutual alliance with the Muslims. The Muslims scrupulously observed their pact but the Pagans violated this pact repeatedly. No nation can uphold a treaty if the other party violates it at will. After some years it became imperative to denounce such treaties. The aggressors were given a period of four months to desist from their treacherous designs or be prepared for war, The Holy Quraan states: Will you not fight people who violated their oaths, plotted to expel the Messenger and attacked you first? " Armed hostility under these circumstances is permitted against those who violate their treaties, connive with the enemy and use their accord as a smoke screen to create havoc and chaos in the community.
The Holy Quraan states: "How (can there be a covenant with the enemy) seeing that if they get an ADVANTAGE OVER YOU, they respect not among you the tics of either kinship or (the obligation) of a covenant? With fair words from their mouths they please you, but their hearts are averse to you and most of them are rebellious and wicked. The words of Allah they have sold for a miserable price and many have they hindered from His way "
Armed hostility opposes systems, not people. When a system is actively sowing seeds of animosity and hostility against Muslims, where the apparent slogan of peaceful co-existence only serves as a veneer for the "opportune moment", Islam permits the pro- active defense of its adherents, provided that such threats could be conclusively proven. The insidious plots of the enemy posed a threat to the stability of the Muslims in Medina. They attempted to sow discord from within and instigated the disenchanted non -Muslims of Medina to side with them. They attempted to stifle the efforts of the Muslims and obstructed them from communicating the message of Allah. Jihad under these circumstances is permitted in order to liquidate the potential onslaught or the growing threat to the stability of the Muslim community. These threats have however to be substantially proven by irrefutable evidence.
It was because of these very reasons that the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) attacked the Banu Mustaliq and banished the Banu Qainuqa and Banu Nazir from Medina.
The Holy Quraan states: "How (can there be a covenant with the enemy) seeing that if they get an ADVANTAGE OVER YOU, they respect not among you the tics of either kinship or (the obligation) of a covenant? With fair words from their mouths they please you, but their hearts are averse to you and most of them are rebellious and wicked. The words of Allah they have sold for a miserable price and many have they hindered from His way "
Armed hostility opposes systems, not people. When a system is actively sowing seeds of animosity and hostility against Muslims, where the apparent slogan of peaceful co-existence only serves as a veneer for the "opportune moment", Islam permits the pro- active defense of its adherents, provided that such threats could be conclusively proven. The insidious plots of the enemy posed a threat to the stability of the Muslims in Medina. They attempted to sow discord from within and instigated the disenchanted non -Muslims of Medina to side with them. They attempted to stifle the efforts of the Muslims and obstructed them from communicating the message of Allah. Jihad under these circumstances is permitted in order to liquidate the potential onslaught or the growing threat to the stability of the Muslim community. These threats have however to be substantially proven by irrefutable evidence.
It was because of these very reasons that the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) attacked the Banu Mustaliq and banished the Banu Qainuqa and Banu Nazir from Medina.
Was Islam spread by the sword? Were the Muslims, imperialists motivated by mundane power? The Holy Quraan states: "Let there be no compulsion in religion, Truth stands out clear from error………………… "
Faith is not the mere verbal declaration of the creed. It is the state of the heart, which cannot be induced by force. The highly dictatorial tone of the injunction in this verse makes it clear that Islam cannot be spread by brute force or imposed on people through aggressive wars. War is the not the way to secure reversions to Islam. A Muslim is not only forbidden to employ force but is commanded to use the most peaceful methods to propagate his religion. The Holy Qur'aan states: "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious ………………..”
It is the primary duty of every Muslim to propagate the message of Allah. If anyone obstructs him and stifles his efforts to discharge, this divine obligation he is entitled to retaliate. Warfare is permitted if the believers are not allowed to fulfill the obligations imposed on them by their religion, nor are they permitted to migrate from the "hostile" country.
Was Islam spread by the sword? Were the Muslims, imperialists motivated by mundane power? The Holy Quraan states: "Let there be no compulsion in religion, Truth stands out clear from error………………… "
Faith is not the mere verbal declaration of the creed. It is the state of the heart, which cannot be induced by force. The highly dictatorial tone of the injunction in this verse makes it clear that Islam cannot be spread by brute force or imposed on people through aggressive wars. War is the not the way to secure reversions to Islam. A Muslim is not only forbidden to employ force but is commanded to use the most peaceful methods to propagate his religion. The Holy Qur'aan states: "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious ………………..”
It is the primary duty of every Muslim to propagate the message of Allah. If anyone obstructs him and stifles his efforts to discharge, this divine obligation he is entitled to retaliate. Warfare is permitted if the believers are not allowed to fulfill the obligations imposed on them by their religion, nor are they permitted to migrate from the "hostile" country.
War against apostasy is justified in Islam, since apostasy constitutes a 'political- religious' rebellion and since religion and politics in Islam go together, any threat to its body politic is regarded as a cancerous growth on the organism of the Muslim Commonwealth, which has to be removed. The modern world in the like manner prescribes capital punishment against those who violate the ideological integrity of the state.
War against apostasy is justified in Islam, since apostasy constitutes a 'political- religious' rebellion and since religion and politics in Islam go together, any threat to its body politic is regarded as a cancerous growth on the organism of the Muslim Commonwealth, which has to be removed. The modern world in the like manner prescribes capital punishment against those who violate the ideological integrity of the state.
Warfare is preceded by negotiations with the enemy to avoid bloodshed. The aggressors are given two alternatives. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) generally commanded the commanders of war in the following manner:
"Call them to embrace Islam If they accept then agree to it and withhold yourselves from them. If, however, they refuse then call them to pay the jizya (protection tax). If they accept then agree to it and withhold yourselves from them.
Jizya: The non -Muslim minorities had to pay a tax called jizya (compensation) for exemption from military services and as a contribution towards the general maintenance of law and order. They were not only exempted from guarding the frontiers of the Muslim state but were also granted "protected status" i.e. one whose life, honour and property is sacred.
The following persons are however exempted from Jizya:
i) Females
ii) Children
iii) The old
iv) The blind, paralysed and crippled
v) The monks
vi) Those who opt for military service.
If they refuse then seek Allah's help and fight them.
The first caliph Abu Bakr (radiyallahu anhu) while dispatching the army to Palestine under the leadership of Usama (radiyallahu anhu) said:
"O People! Stop. I enjoin upon you ten commandments. Remember them.
1. Do not embezzle
2. Do not cheat
3. Do not mutilate
4. Do not break trust
5. Do not kill a minor child or an old man or woman of advanced age
6. Do not hew down a date palm nor burn it
7. Do not cut down a fruit tree
8. Do not slaughter a goat, cow or camel except for food. Maybe you will pass near people who have secluded themselves in convents, leave them in their seclusion…
Jamiatul Ulama -Transvaal
Warfare is preceded by negotiations with the enemy to avoid bloodshed. The aggressors are given two alternatives. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) generally commanded the commanders of war in the following manner:
"Call them to embrace Islam If they accept then agree to it and withhold yourselves from them. If, however, they refuse then call them to pay the jizya (protection tax). If they accept then agree to it and withhold yourselves from them.
Jizya: The non -Muslim minorities had to pay a tax called jizya (compensation) for exemption from military services and as a contribution towards the general maintenance of law and order. They were not only exempted from guarding the frontiers of the Muslim state but were also granted "protected status" i.e. one whose life, honour and property is sacred.
The following persons are however exempted from Jizya:
i) Females
ii) Children
iii) The old
iv) The blind, paralysed and crippled
v) The monks
vi) Those who opt for military service.
If they refuse then seek Allah's help and fight them.
The first caliph Abu Bakr (radiyallahu anhu) while dispatching the army to Palestine under the leadership of Usama (radiyallahu anhu) said:
"O People! Stop. I enjoin upon you ten commandments. Remember them.
1. Do not embezzle
2. Do not cheat
3. Do not mutilate
4. Do not break trust
5. Do not kill a minor child or an old man or woman of advanced age
6. Do not hew down a date palm nor burn it
7. Do not cut down a fruit tree
8. Do not slaughter a goat, cow or camel except for food. Maybe you will pass near people who have secluded themselves in convents, leave them in their seclusion…
Jamiatul Ulama -Transvaal
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